
Healing for Today© 

Teachings by Pastors Cher & Jim you don't want to miss.

Have you ever had a question about healing or whether Jesus wants to heal us? Do you think healing was only for the people when Jesus walked the face of the earth?

In Healing for Today, Pastor Cher teachers that it is God's will to heal, and He is still in the healing business.

Below is a listing of some of the Pastor's Jim & Cher's messages on healing.
Healing for Today Archives Articles - Read Pastor Cher's Messages on Healing. Scroll down the page to view article you selected.

·        His Healing Atonement was Enough
A lesson in healing. "The Plain Truth" The sick life is gone it has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus,...

·        Healed by Faith
Witness testimonies of those who have been healed by faith.

·        Psalm 103:1-5
Scripture on healing.

·        Healing for A Time
Why don't people hold on to their healing?

·        Faith to Be Healed
What kind of faith does it take to receive healing?

·        When Healing Doesn't Come
Have you ever known someone who prayed for healing and even had gone to healing meetings, but still weren`t healed?

·        Healing is for Today
Some think that healing is not for us. Read what Pastor Cher has to say about God's will for us to be healed.

·        Sickness: A Thing of the Past
Can sickness really be a thing of the past in our own lives?

·        Come Back Next Friday
What would you say if Jesus were to tell you to come back another day for your request?

·        The Cost of Breaking the Law
Just like breaking the laws in society has a penalty, so does breaking God's law. How does it effect our health?

·        Health Conscious orHealed
What is your mentality on healing? Do you really understand what it means to be healed?

·        A Covenant of Healing
There has never been a time when God has not provided a way to be healed.

·        Image of Health
If you are made in the image of God, shouldn't that reflect the way our body heals?

·        There's Healing Power in the Tongue
Did you know that your own words can stop your healing?

·        God's Intended Health Plan
What exactly did God have in mind when He said, "By His Stripes?"

Read Pastor Cher's Articles  on cFaith.com

Our Healing Articles on cfaith - PDF & Print out versions

·        Faith To Be Healed
It is a sad thing to witness an individual going from healing meeting to healing meeting asking God to heal them, and yet they never ...

·        God's Intended Health Plan
There are times when most people enjoy "periods of health" during their life. Notice that I said ...

·        Living In Divine Health
It is wonderful when we pray over someone who is sick, and then God heals him or her. A dear friend of ours was divinely healed of a hole in her heart ...

·        The Image Of Health
Have you ever thought about what Adam really looked like? Did you ever wonder if Adam had a cold or came down with ...

·        Health Conscious Or Healed Conscious?
Medical journals, health magazines, doctors, and fitness experts all agree that in order for ...
Listen to selected Christian Living teachings from Pastor Cher on cfaith. 
The Shepherd's Promise Part 1 Audio on Psalm 23 teaching from original Hebrew text.
The Shepherd's Promise Part 2 Audio on Psalm 23 teaching from original Hebrew text.

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